City of Ottawa Public Tennis Court & Community Club
Sponsorship and Advertising Opportunities
View general info about the sponsorship and advertising opportunities.
Find sponsorship package price here.
Download the sponsorship package and agreement here.
General Information
This sponsorship program invites businesses to partner with the City of Ottawa to sponsor public tennis courts and City owned OTA tennis clubs.
All sponsorship dollars generated through this program will be used to support City of Ottawa's public infrastructure, especially the resurfacing of City tennis courts.
Sponsorship opportunities are now available with City Tennis Courts and OTA Tennis Clubs. There are three kinds of sponsorship and advertising opportnities that are offered for the first time in Ottawa.
Sponsorship at City's Tennis Courts
There are over 60 public tennis court locations - you choose which best fits your target audience or get professional consultation from the City staff. Sponsorship banners will be attached to the inside of the fence, facing the court.

Individual Court Naming Rights
Newly resurfaced tennis courts can bring much needed life and energy to a community. These courts are not only available for the public to use for free, they are also used by the City to run tennis lessons for all ages and summer camps kids. A company can sponsor a court resurfacing project for a cost of $4,000 per court which gets their name painted behind both baselines.
All courts at the desired location must be funded in order to proceed but this guarantees the sponsoring party their name behind each baseline on each court. Each location has between 1-4 courts. Courts are resurfaced no earlier than 7 years in Ottawa so the sponsoring party is guaranteed to be the sponsor of that location’s courts for at least 7 years.

Sponsorship at OTA Tennis Clubs
The City of Ottawa recognizes the value of local tennis clubs that promote active living and healthy life-style to all ages. Most of the local tennis clubs offering tennis services to both adult and youth. During the tennis season, tennis clubs are occupied with tennis camps, classes, tournaments and leisure play.
The City has therefore provided an opportunity to showcase corporate involvement with the growing tennis community. This would be a partnership which promotes local tennis clubs to invest in youth and adult programming, aging facilities, and community-based initiatives. Sponsorship banners will be attached to the inside of the fence, facing the court.