Before-Tax Low-Income Cutoff Table (1992 base)
The chart below is for use as a guideline in determining a family’s financial eligibility for the City of Ottawa’s Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services “Ottawa Hand in Hand” Policy.
The “household income” levels in this chart are based on the 1992 base. Income refers to total before-tax, post-transfer household income. This chart was prepared using Statistics Canada’s Low Income Cut-Offs. The LICOs are published by Statistics Canada. Persons and families living below these income levels are considered to be living in "strained circumstances."
The chart was updated by Statistics Canada June 2013*.
Reading this table:
The income threshold for a two-parent family with two children is $43,942. For households where before tax income does not exceed the identified family income threshold, requests for Ottawa Hand in Hand can be approved.
Low-Income Cutoff Rates
Size of Economic Family Family Income Level Before Tax
1 $23,647
2 $29,440
3 $36,193
4 $43,942
5 $49,839
6 $56,209
7+ $62,581
* The LICO figures were obtained directly from the Statistics Canada website at